Bagging it (to Paris)

Thursday, June 10 – Paris: We couldn’t believe it when we awoke this morning to discover the sky completely overcast, the rain coming down gently but steadily. The weather forecast was for three more days of the same, with some partial sun on Sunday.

This called for some serious medicine. So, we called Dani and told him that we needed shelter from the rain; would he mind if we came back to Paris until the sun comes out? He graciously consented so we quickly packed up and headed out. A much quicker drive to the 15th than yesterday to the 16th. We quickly unpacked and went off to the local bar (where we are known to the proprietor from previous visits) to have lunch.

The formule was 12 euros (entree, plat, cafe). Leeks:


and pave de boeuf frites (love that squeeze bottle with the dressing!):

We were again struck dumb when, half-way through lunch, the sun comes out!! What are we doing in Paris??? But it didn’t last and within an hour the rain was coming down again.

We had a nice dinner with Dani and Rosine for which we made mushroom omelets. To bed already!

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